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Anzac Day 2024: woollen comforts from home

Jack Pickerell from NSW was serving in France when he found this note in a new pair of socks made back home.

Jack Pickerell from NSW was serving in France when he found this note in a new pair of socks made back home. He kept it his entire life.

Knitting was a community service and a duty for everyone who could hold a pair of needles during the world wars. It is estimated that over one million pairs of socks were knitted by Australians during the war. You can still find the official pattern for The Grey Sock on Ravelry.

Lest We Forget

Read more about Jack and the knitting army at the State Library of NSW >>

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Toe Up Socks

Hi all, Kris here (one half of the LSFY squishy team). It’s my 50th birthday today and I’ve gone “full granny” and cast on my first pair of toe up knit socks. Eeek!

I decided yesterday as part of the cruise fest that is my birthday this year I’d have a crack at knitting toe up socks using our Lang Yarns Twin Soxx yarn, which is a beautiful 4ply sock yarn that comes in a huge array of colours (10 of which are in stock in our shop). From one gorgeous ball you can knit up one pair of socks! In my book that’s a big bonus.

It was a bit difficult but I chose a bright celebration colour and caked it yesterday in preparation for today. How bloody scrumptious does it look caked up?! That’s one very low calorie birthday cake! Yuuuuuuum!!!!

So far I’m about 6 or so rows in and I’m doing okay. There’s a couple of different patterns coming into play with this project. I’m using the “Seam free rounded toe for toe up sock – recipe by Lynne Ashton” found it here on ravelry thanks to Janna (gosh I do hope I’ve spelt her name correctly) from Purl Together who has fantastic and easy to follow tutorials on her YouTube channel for making Customisable Toe Up Socks. Links to her channel and pattern can be found on her pattern page on her website.

As a first attempt it looks okay.

I have no idea how the gauge will work out as I’m using a 3mm needle – Yarn and Colors interchangeable with 40cm cable – found them on our website – naturally 😉 – and I didn’t do a gauge swatch – because I’m a rebel. If it doesn’t work I’ll rip it out grab another needle or actually do a gauge swatch and have another crack at it. Messing around to learn something new is fun so I don’t mind. Oh and did I mention I’m doing this crazy magic loop with the circular needle – all these new techniques!!! I’m on fire 🙂

Anyway I’m off to walk 3 of the four legged LSFY team(Nelly, DJ and Lucy) before getting ready for dinner with my brother and SIL at the local RSL. My dear hubby is away working but did send me a beautiful bouquet of flowers along with chocolates and wine so he get’s mega brownie points for that.

Ciao fellow yarn addicts xoxo

Follow us on instagram and facebook for updates on my Toe Up Sock adventure!

Mr Yarners gets maximum brownie points for these gorgeous blooms