We’ve got a range of crochet and amigurumi books, from beginner to advanced.
You might want to try these age-old fibre arts techniques because they have so many positive effects. Because intricate stitches and patterns are repeated, both knitting and crocheting can exercise and strengthen our brains. Additionally, these activities can be calming and meditative in nature, allowing us to relax our minds and take a break from the fast-paced world we live in.
If you’re a beginner who is just learning, then you’re going to want to make sure that you have the books that are geared just towards you. In addition, books are available for those who want to delve deeply into a particular area of the craft.
As well as providing us with a sense of accomplishment and purpose, knitting and crocheting can provide tangible gifts for ourselves or others. These pattern books make excellent presents for crafters if you’re looking for ideas.
So grab yourself a book and a hook and turn that string into a thing!